Our Volunteer Online Booking System (VOBS) App is a powerful platform designed to allow you to enter online bookings quickly and efficiently and for Volunteers to accept bookings.
Confirmation details are sent to Volunteers together with directions Google map links. Clients, Volunteers and commonly used destinations in a Locations table can be added and selected for bookings at the click of a button. Emails are sent out daily to volunteers telling them how many available unassigned bookings are available and they can accept them themselves, saving the office workers a lot of time.
It is already used by:
1. Caversham Good Neighbours since 2012 - using version 1 on their own website. Their website is www.cavershamgoodneighbours.org.uk.
2. Fish Volunteers since 2017 - using version 2 on their own website. Their website is www.fishvolunteercentre.org.uk.
3. Woodcote Volunteers since 2023 - using version 3 as a Web App within our www.YourWebApps.co.uk system. Their website is www.woodcotevolunteers.org.uk.
The main advantages of using our voluntary transport booking system. Feel free to call us any time for more details or a demo catered to your own situation and requirements
Book Volunteers in Seconds: Say goodbye to manual paperwork and phone calls. Our app allows organisations to request volunteers with just a few clicks in an intuitive interface.
Real-Time Availability: View volunteer availability instantly and match them to your Booking needs. The list of available Volunteers goes through a sophisticated algorithm to match Volunteers with a Booking needs in terms of availability.
Volunteers Selection: Our intelligent algorithm lists Volunteers availability, what they can provide, what type of booking it is, and rotates around Volunteers so the same Volunteers are not selected every time.
Empower your community: Facilitate acts of kindness by efficiently matching willing volunteers with individuals in need of assistance, ensuring no one is left behind.
Personalised Communication: Volunteers are selected based on last booked date, so all Volunteers get a turn and stops some Volunteers being given all the work. Volunteers can specify how many Bookings they are prepared to do each month.
Recognition and Rewards: Displays of how many bookings volunteers have done in any specified period so recognition can be made for their service.
The Clients List section. Here you will see a list of all of your clients. The list can be searched, sorted by heading and new clients can be added, whilst existing clients' details can be edited or deleted.
There is no limit to the number of clients' records that you can ente
The Volunteers List section. Here you will see a list of all of your volunteers. The list can be searched, sorted by heading and new volunteers can be added, whilst existing volunteers' details can be edited or deleted. There is no limit to the number of volunteers' records that you can enter.
Volunteer records allow you to specify the days and times that they are available, the type of bookings that they can fulfil plus other important criteria associated with their availability.
The Client Add section (to the left) and the Volunteers Update section (to the right).
Both have extensive parameters for specific use. For example, volunteers can opt in to receive emails about the bookings assigned to them which is a very useful option.
Our Volunteer Online Booking System (VOBS) has been tried and tested by many volunteer organisations over the years and they have all made suggestions for changes which we have implemented. This has resulted in a system which works really well and which they are really happy with.
Are you ready to give it a try?
The Bookings List section. Here you will see a list of all of your bookings. The list can be searched, sorted by heading and new bookings can be added, whilst existing booking details can be edited or deleted.
You can see current, unassigned or past bookings in this section.
With its flexibility and multitude of options, our volunteer booking system can cover all or most of your potential requirements.
We encourage your organisation to create an account and start managing your volunteer opportunities.
The process is very easy! After registration, just log in to your admin and start adding volunteers, clients and booking with the user-friendly admin interface.
And if you need any help, we are a call away.
Our booking system allows you to save thousands of work hours, access the system from anywhere you have internet access even when you are away, 24 hours a day, while enjoying the whole process and this system also keeps your customers and volunteers happy.
Our system is packed with great features, like:
Selecting a Booking Pickup address can be done at a click of a button by copying the Client’s address, copying a Predefined Location, or typing in the address.
Automated calculation of mileage and cost in the admin booking set up area
The Pickup Date and Time can easily be selected using a pop-up calendar. An optional appointment time can be entered in the booking.
A warning popup window is displayed if an existing booking is on the same day for the same client, to avoid duplicate Bookings on the system.
The list of available Volunteers matches the criteria of the Booking to the criteria of Volunteers, and lists them with the longest not used for a booking, at the top, so everyone gets a fair turn.
Clear visual listing of the current, unassigned, past bookings with colour-coded highlights of important information.
The volunteers have an easy option to see the available bookings and are able to respond in the quickest time, by assigning themselves to available and unassigned bookings. This saves a lot of time for office staff who traditionally have to call Volunteers.
You are also able in the admin interface, to set their volunteer service types, like: home visitor, shopper, bus driver, etc. and their availabilities per each day of the week.
If a Volunteer is selected for a booking they automatically get an email (if they have an email address), with all the details of the booking.
Only authorised users can access the Booking system, and there are multiple levels of Admin access.
Futures enhancements: to allow internet users (clients) to apply to join your VOBS system App, accept them and allow them to submit their own booking applications.
So what are you waiting for?